The DebugBar is an Internet Explorer toolbar to increase web dev productivity : Debug headers, tags, cookie, js etc
10 Feb. 2011
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The DebugBar is an Internet Explorer toolbar to increase web dev productivity :
The Toolbar
For all surfers, a toolbar in Internet Explorer brings new and faster functionalities for more productivity on usual tasks on the Net :
* Zoom on the current web page
* Send in one click a screenshot of the current Web Page by email.
* Send in one click a screenshot of the current ENTIRE Web Page (including hidden scrolled parts) by email.
* Search directly with your prefered web search engine
* Find a word in a web Page with the "Highlight in page" function
* Get the color code of any pixel in the web page and anywhere on the screen.
* Get script errors notification and send a screenshot with useful debugging information for developers in one click !
The development bar
For professionals, a development bar placed on the left of the Internet Explorer window gives you important informations to reduce development and debug time of your web sites :
* Directly view the DOM tree of the loaded document with syntaxing colored HTML/JScript/VBScript/CSS code .
* Retrieve an HTML tag directly on the page by using the "Target"
* Access tag attributes, modify them and view the result direcly in Internet Explorer withou reloading the document
* View external Javascript and CSS files attached to the document.
* View Internet Explorer HTTP and HTTPS requests and Web Server responses
* View defined cookies in the current loaded page
* View all the Javascript functions defined in the page and their source code
* Run Javascript code by using the interactive Javascript console
* Get useful informations (download time, number of images, images size) on the downloaded page